Sunday, October 26, 2008

808 & Heartbreak

I swear KanYe West new ablum '808 & Heartbreak'
Is going too be soo hard
Like its something different from the rest
& i like that KanYe is trying too stand out
Like He always does.
& i swear its like he made this Alubm for dude
Like me blolz :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sooo comfortable.

I calll this my Conffy outfit, that i wear around the house
Idk lately it been Cold in my Room, idk why.
So i wear this around the house.
My girlfriend loves when i dress like this.
& is dying for me too come out the House like this.
Hell no i look like Will Smith in Men in Black blolz.

Monday, October 20, 2008


I was bored and decied too take a picture of my desktop.
No i dont have windows vista, i still have XP
I just got an Alien Ware skin and put The Hundres Bomb
as the background.
It looks pretty hot, alot of people tell me when they
come over my House.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Im Backkkk

Today was Friday welll yesterday since it's past midnight.
I wore my Rayguns today finally too school.
Chilled with my boy Tim today
& we went too some set up Haunted House.
Aslo was with My Girl & her cousins
Shit was pretty Cool, my babe was scared awwwww.
Buh i had her back, blolz
Then met up with my boy Kev & Adriel
We drove around tryna find something too do
But we had no luck
So, Call it a night, since i work 2morrow well today.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Sorry :(

Sorry guys i really havent had time to go my blog.
I been soo busy lately with freaking School.
& looking for colleges since im a senior know.
Buh im back & few weeks that past been kinda good
& you'll never believe me buh i have a girl know
blolz yeahh i kno, her name is Shavelly.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Last night was HomeComing For my Skool
We freaking lost 21 - 8 idk how
You kno i had too do it to them for HomeComing
YM & friends was live at the game
The night was popping.