Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wondeful saturday .

I had saturday dentention that started 8:00 - 12pm
Good thing i had it w/ Mr. Presley, soo many country dr people in my class
Then helped Edgar move his mom stuff too her new house
Did a quick lil meetup after that, & then went too Wendys .
Watch Edgar bowling tournament at Parkway Lanes .
Then went too his house so he can shower, picked up Kelvin after
I had too wash & change my clothes soo went too my house
Then picked Ricky & Lianne up and went too the mall
I needed Jeans soo bad, got 2 new pairs
Went too Edgar empty old house people cam over & shit
I got too see my wonderful Adriana bl0lz ;)
I was soo fuckin' Drunk & high, we finally got Edgar high too blolz
I must of drunk 15 beers, i couldnt stop pissin
buh it was a wonderful saturday .

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