Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Greatest "Text" Ever!!!

This was a text i got five minutes ago from my lovely & beautiful girlfriend Sabrina :)

Sabrina: Hahsaan Battle, I really really really love you. You are the Only Guy i want to be with in this whole entire World.
I Love Every Single thing about you. Your kind eyes, your loud laugh, your big butt, your facial hair, the way you hold Me, the way you kiss Me, the way we cuddle, the way we wrestle, your loud smelly farts, your burps in My face, the weird voice you make, & so much more. I could go on & on about all the things i love. I just want you to know that you are the Greatest & i mean it wen i say i want to be with you forever. Everyday, I grow more attached to you. I can't see Myself without you & i hope you feel the same way. Blaaaah - this was soo Gay o_0

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