Monday, March 11, 2013

Up All Night

Can't really seem to close my eyes, wait let me rephrase that. I need to stop thinking so much so I can fall asleep. Same thoughts that haunt me through the day is the same ones that haunt me at night. Only difference is during the day I can avoid them by distractions. & distractions can almost be anything. I don't know what's wrong me, it's like I gotta have her in my life. I tried to forget, but it's so hard. This situation is starting to look worse than getting over Steph and that took me forever. I can hide it better now because I'm older, but I'm sure people know. It's not even the comfort fact or how nobody measures to come close to you. It's the fact that you were not only my girlfriend, you were my best friend. It makes my life a little different now like I'm missing a puzzle piece. Maybe when May come around I'll know something about your feelings. Or maybe before April, I'm thinking about going to Miami with the guys. Idk, but it's getting late. ✌

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