Monday, August 5, 2013


I just can't deal with people that's so nosey or always trying to figure me out. I knew by writing that exaggerated thought I'll find out who really be on my shit. Ughh, that's a turn off! You must be self-conscious. It'll be so much easier if people just ask direct questions if they wanna know something. That's why I can't have a girl or anything significant in that matter because I don't have the patients for that no more. I can't seem to find what I'm looking for in the inside of a girl. I just need to be alone for awhile, I can't deal with that bs right now. She was right when she said it'll be tough trying to find someone like her, can't believe I just admitted that. But, she admitted it too so we even. I TRULY HATE GIRLS THAT TRY TO FIGURE ME OUT. Just sit back, mind your business & play your part. Stop always worrying about how Bo feels or if you good enough for him. That's that high school shit. & you keep reading this, I'm make sure every time I surprise you with words. 

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