Sunday, August 4, 2013


I heard there's a few girls that sit & actually be reading the stuff I post, that's nice to know. I hope it gave you a insight on where my head was at the time. I actually took your friend out to eat last night & she rewarded me with some sex. I wish it was you, but you to busy fighting for attention. We call them, attention seeking hoes. Yes, that's what me & the fellas call them. Back about your friend, she likes me.... I think to much! I'm psychical attracted to her, that's probably it. I got some dead weight I'm getting rid of right now. Remember that night you said I was undecided & I don't know what I want, well you're too. Why, because you don't know who to choose. & you know exactly what I mean by that, just remind yourself of that "night". I keep going, but then that'll be giving you to much attention. 

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